True Christianity: The Portable New Century Edition, Volume 1

(singke) #1

Because some of them were Anglican clergy, a passage stated at their
Holy Communion was read to them: “For when we spiritually eat the
flesh of Christ and drink the blood, then we dwell in Christ, and Christ
in us.” They were told, “If you now think that this situation could not
occur unless the Lord’s human manifestation was divine, then say ‘divine-
human’ from this acknowledgment in your thought.”
They still could not say it. The idea had been too deeply impressed
on them that what was divine could not be human and what was human
could not be divine, and so too had the idea that his divine nature came
from the divinity of the eternally begotten Son, and that his human
nature was just like anyone else’s.
They were asked, “How can you think that way? Can a rational mind
really think that some Son was born from God from eternity?”
[ 10 ] 7. Next the participants focused on the Lutheran Protestants.
They said to them that the Augsburg Confession and Luther himself
taught the following:

The Son of God and the Son of Humankind are one person in Christ.
Even his human manifestation is omnipotent and omnipresent. It sits at
the right hand of God the Father and rules all things in the heavens and
on earth, fills all things, is with us, and dwells and is at work in us. His
human manifestation deserves no different adoration, because through
his human manifestation, which is perceptible, we adore the Divinity
that is not perceptible. In Christ, God is human, and a human is God.
To this they replied, “Is that so?” They looked around. Soon they said,
“We didn’t know these things before, so we can’t say ‘divine-human.’”
Nevertheless first one, then another, said, “We read that text and we
even wrote some of it, but still when we thought about it they were only
words. We did not have the inner idea that goes with them.”
[ 11 ] 8. Finally the participants turned to focus on the Catholics and
said, “Perhaps you are able to pronounce ‘divine-human,’ since you
believe that in your Eucharist Christ is fully present in the bread and
wine, in each and every part of them. You adore Christ as the most holy
God when you display and convey the host. Since you call Mary ‘the
Bearer of God’ or ‘the one who gave birth to God,’ you therefore
acknowledge that she bore God, that is, the Divine-Human Being.”
They then tried to say it, but they could not. What came to their
minds was a physical idea of Christ’s body and blood, as well as the belief
that his humanity is separable from his divinity, and is actually separated

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