True Christianity: The Portable New Century Edition, Volume 1

(singke) #1

human nature is his body. The human nature does not ask its divine
nature to tell it what to say or do. This is why the Lord says, “In that day
you will ask in my name. And I will not tell you that I am going to peti-
tion the Father on your behalf, for the Father himself loves you, because
you have loved me” (John 16 : 26 , 27 ). “In that day” means after glorifica-
tion, that is, after complete and absolute union with the Father.
The Lord himself is divulging this secret for those who will be part of
his new church.
It was shown above, in point 3 of this part of the chapter [§ 146 ], 155
that the divine effects (which are meant by the actions of the Holy
Spirit) that specifically apply to the clergy are the processes of enlighten-
ing and teaching them. There are, however, two intermediate processes
to add to the two just mentioned: their perceiving and shaping [what
they are learning]. For the clergy, then, there are four processes that fol-
low in sequence: becoming enlightened; perceiving; shaping; and being
The enlighteningis done by the Lord.
The process of perceivingtakes place in the individuals. It is affected
by the quality of mind they have developed as a result of doctrinal teach-
ings. If these doctrinal teachings are true, the light that enlightens them
clarifies their perception. If these doctrinal teachings are false, their per-
ception becomes obscured. It may still seem clear [to the ministers],
however, because of other teachings that lend confirmation. The appar-
ent clarity is caused by a faint, deceptive light that to mere earthly vision
seems clear.
The process of shapingdepends on the type of love that exists in the
minister’s will. The enjoyment related to that love actually does the
shaping. If the minister has enjoyment in an evil love and the false per-
spective that goes with it, that enjoyment generates a passion that is
outwardly rough, prickly, intense, and fire-belching; inside the passion
there is anger, rage, and lack of compassion. If, however, the minister
has enjoyment in a good love and the truth that goes with it, the pas-
sion is outwardly even, smooth, thundering, and blazing; inside the
passion there is goodwill, grace, and compassion.
The process of being instructedfollows as an effect from the other
three processes as causes.
Therefore the enlightening that comes from the Lord is turned into
different types of light and heat in individual ministers depending on the
quality of each individual’s mind.

§155 the holy spirit & divine action 217

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