True Christianity: The Portable New Century Edition, Volume 1

(singke) #1

“Faith is like a bubble in the air. It was beautifully colored in the first
and second ages, but was in danger of bursting in the third and following
ages because no one saw God. Therefore to preserve our faith about him,
faith in him, and faith from him, it pleased Jehovah God to come down
and take on a human manifestation. He did this to bring himself into
view and to convince us that God is not a figment of our imagination; he
is the absolute being who was and is and will be from eternity to eternity.
God is not a three-letter word; he is everything real from alpha to omega.
Therefore he is the life and salvation of all who believe in him as a God
who can be seen, although he is not the life and salvation of those who
say they believe in a God who cannot be seen, because believing, seeing,
and recognizing are one. This is why the Lord said to Philip, ‘Those who
see and recognize me, see and recognize the Father.’ This is also why the
Lord says elsewhere, ‘The Father’s will is for them to believe in the Son.
Those who believe in the Son have eternal life. Those who do not believe
in the Son will not see life; in fact, God’s anger remains upon them.’”
(These words occur in John 3 : 15 , 16 , 36 ; 14 : 6 – 15 .)
On hearing this, many in the four sets of spirits became so enraged
that smoke and flame came out of their nostrils; so we went away. After
the angels accompanied me to my home, they went back up to their
The second memorable occurrence.Once I was out on a walk with 160
some angels. We were walking in the world of spirits, which is midway
between heaven and hell, the place where all of us first go after we die.
There we are prepared, if we are good, for heaven; if we are evil, for hell.
I was speaking with them about many different things, among which was
the following.
“In the world where I am currently living in my body, countless stars
appear at night, large and small. They are all suns that transmit just their
light to our solar system. When I noticed that there are also visible stars
in your world, I reckoned that there are the same number here as in the
world where I live.”
Delighted by this topic of conversation, the angels said, “There could
well be the same number. Every community in heaven at times shines
like a star to those who are below heaven. There are countless communi-
ties in heaven, all arranged according to different feelings of love for what
is good. These feelings are infinite inGod; therefore there are countless
feelings from him. Since these heavenly communities were foreseen
before creation, I suppose that the stars were provided in the same

§160 the holy spirit & divine action 225

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