True Christianity: The Portable New Century Edition, Volume 1

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amount, meaning that an equal number of stars was created for the
world where people with a physical earthly body were going to live.”
[ 2 ] While we were having that conversation, I noticed a paved road
to the north. It was so crowded with spirits that there was scarcely a foot
of space between each spirit.
I said to the angels, “I have seen that road before, with spirits on it
like the rank and file of armies. I have heard that this is the road traveled
by all who are leaving the physical world. The road is covered with that
many spirits because tens of thousands of people die every week, and
they all migrate to this world after death.”
The angels added, “The road comes to an end in the middle of the
world of spirits, where we are now. It stops here because on the side
toward the east there are communities that love God and their neighbor;
to the left toward the west there are communities that are against those
loves; and in front in the south there are communities of spirits who are
more intelligent than others. This is why those who have recently left the
physical world arrive here first. Once they are here, they are at first in
their outer selves, the parts of themselves they had been closest to in their
prior world. Later on, they come more and more into their inner selves.
Then their true quality is investigated. Once this is discovered, the good
are brought to their places in heaven, and the evil to their places in hell.”
[ 3 ] We stopped walking in the middle area where the road for arrivals
came to an end. We said, “Let’s spend a little time here and talk to some
of the new arrivals.” We chose twelve of them. Since they had just arrived
from the physical world they did not realize they were not still in that
world. We asked them what they believed about heaven and hell and life
after death.
One of them replied, “Our Sacred Order impressed on me the belief
that we are going to live after death, and that there is a heaven and a hell.
As a result I came to believe that all who live morally go to heaven; and
since everyone lives morally, no one goes to hell. Therefore hell is a myth
made up by the clergy to prevent us from living evil lives. What differ-
ence does it make if I think about God this way or that way? Thought is
only foam on the water that bursts and disappears.”
Another near the first said, “My belief is that heaven and hell exist.
God rules heaven, and the Devil rules hell. Because they are enemies and
are opposed to each other, one calls evil what the other calls good. Moral
people are phonies who can make evil look good and good look evil.
They stand on both sides. What is the difference then whether I am

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