True Christianity: The Portable New Century Edition, Volume 1

(singke) #1

The eleventh, who was a priest, became very angry when he heard
that and said, “The people who are saved are those who have acquired
the faith on which Christ’s merit has been inscribed. Those whom God
has chosen acquire that faith. It is up to the Almighty and his judgment
to choose who is worthy. Who could argue against that?”
The twelfth, who was in politics, remained silent. Asked to give the
final response, he said, “I will not express from my heart anything about
heaven, hell, or the life after death. No one knows anything about them.
Nonetheless, provided the priests do not insult anyone, let them preach
those things, because commoners are then held mentally bound to laws
and to leaders by an invisible chain. Public safety depends on this, does
it not?”
[ 7 ] We were stunned to hear their points of view. We said to each
other, “Although these people are called Christians, they are neither
human nor animal. They are human animals.”
Nevertheless, to rouse them from their sleep we said, “Heaven and
hell do exist, as does the life after death. You’ll be convinced of this by the
time we drive away your unawareness about the state of life you are now
in. During the first days after they die, all people fail to realize they are
not still alive in the same world they were in before. The intervening time
is like a period of sleep. When they wake up from it they feel as though
they are just where they used to be. The same goes for you today. That’s
why you just said the same things you thought in your former world.”
Then the angels shook away the people’s unawareness. The people
saw that they were in a different world with other people they did not
recognize. They shouted, “Hey, where are we?”
“Not in the physical world anymore,” we said. “Now you are in the
spiritual world, and we are angels.”
As they woke up they said, “If you are angels, then show us heaven.”
“Stay here for a little while,” we replied. “We’ll be back.”
When we returned half an hour later we found them waiting for us.
“Follow us into heaven,” we said.
They came and we went up with them. Because we were with them,
the guards opened the door and let them in. To the angels who received
newcomers at the threshold, we said, “Examine them.”
The examiners turned the people around and noticed that the backs
of their heads were badly hollowed out. The examiners said, “Go away
from here. You enjoy doing evil, and therefore you have no connection to

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