True Christianity: The Portable New Century Edition, Volume 1

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actions. It is the same in the Lord. According to Paul’s letter to the Colos-
sians, “All the fullness of divinity dwells physically” in the Lord (Colossians
2 : 9 ). Therefore there is a divine trinity in the Lord and a human one in us.
It is a mysterious concept that there are three divine persons and yet there
is one God, and that although there is one God, he is not one person.
Surely reason has nothing in common with this idea. It puts our reason to
sleep and makes our mouths speak like a parrot. When our reason is asleep,
everything our mouths utter is without life. When our mouths say things
that our reason diverges from and disagrees with, our statements are bound
to be foolish.
Nowadays human reason has been restricted in regard to the divine
Trinity like someone chained hand and foot in a prison. Our reasoning
power is like a Vestal virgin buried in the ground for extinguishing the
sacred fire. Yet the divine Trinity ought to shine like a lighthouse in the
minds of people in the church, since God with his trinity and with the
unity in his trinity is essential to all that is holy in heaven and in the
church. Making the soul one God, the body another, and the actions a
third would be exactly like turning the three essential components in us
into three separate entities. Does this not amount to mutilating and
killing us?
3. This Trinity did not exist before the world was created. It developed 170
after the world was created, when God became flesh. It came into existence in
the Lord God the Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ.Nowadays the Chris-
tian church asserts that the divine Trinity came into existence before the
world was created: Before time, Jehovah God bore a Son. Then the Holy
Spirit went out from them both. Each of the three is a God all by him-
self, in that each is a single self-sufficient person.
Because this concept does not square with any type of reasoning, it is
called a mystery. The only way to grasp the concept is to think that the
three share one divine essence—an essential eternity, immensity, and
omnipotence and therefore equal divinity, glory, and majesty.
I will show in the sections to come, however, that such a concept
becomes a trinity of gods and is therefore not a divine Trinity. On the
other hand, from everything I have already said it is evident that a trinity
of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that developed after God became flesh,
and therefore after the world was created, is a real divine trinity because it
is a trinity in one God. This divine trinity exists in the Lord God the
Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ because the three essential components
of the one God that go together to form one essence exist within him.

§170 the holy spirit & divine action 241

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