Bridge to Abstract Mathematics: Mathematical Proof and Structures

(Dana P.) #1


prove this, it is sufficient, by Theorem 1, to prove (i) 1 E S and (ii) for
each m E N, if m E S, then (m + 1) E S.

  1. Clearly 1 E S, since l2 = 1 = the sum of the "first 1" odd positive

  2. Let m E S be given. Hence 1 + 3 +... + (2m - 1) = m2. (The as-
    sumption m E S with which step (2) begins in every induction proof
    is often called the induction hypothesis or the inductive assumption.)
    To prove m + 1 E S, we must prove

In the course of the latter proof in turn we must make use of the
induction hypothesis. Note now that
[l + 3 + 5 +. + (2m - I)] + [2(m + 1) - 11
= [l +3+ 5 +-..+(2m- I)] +(2m+ 1)
= m2 + (2m + 1) (We have just used the
induction hypothesis.)
= (m + I)~.

This is precisely what was needed to prove m + 1 E S, so that condition
(ii) is verified and the proof is complete.

EXAMPLE 3 Assume that the product rule for the derivative (fg)'(x) =
f (x)g'(x) + f'(x)g(x) is known. Use this rule to prove that, for all positive
integers n, if f(x) = xn, then f'(x) = nxn-'.
Solution Every student with a calculus background is familiar with this
rule. Since its statement involves the phrase "for all positive integers n,"
it is a candidate for proof by mathematical induction. We begin such
a proof by letting S be the set of those positive integers m for which the
theorem is true: If m is a positive integer, then m E S if and only if
(d/dx)(xm) = mxm- l. To prove S = N, we must prove (1) 1 E S and (2) for
all m E N, if m E S, then m + 1 E S.

  1. Clearly 1 E S, since (d/dx)(xl) = dxldx = 1 and lxl - = lxO = x0 = 1.

  2. Assume m E S. To prove m + 1 E S, we must show that (d/dx)(xm+ l) =
    (m + l)xm, using the inductive assumption that (d/dx)(xm) = mxm-l.
    (d/dx)(xm + l) = (d/dx)(xm x)
    = xm(dx/dx) + x[(d/dx)(xm)] (by the product rule)
    = xm(l) + (x)(mxm- l) (by the induction
    = xm + mxm
    = (m + l)xm, as desired 0

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