Bridge to Abstract Mathematics: Mathematical Proof and Structures

(Dana P.) #1

Relations, Part Ia

Equivalence elations

and Partial Orderings


In the next two chapters we study three related, yet diverse, mathematical
concepts. Equivalence relations and partial orderings are studied in the
present chapter, while the topic functions/mappings is covered in Chapter

  1. You have undoubtedly had considerable experience with functions, but
    the terms "equivalence relation" and "partial ordering" are likely to be un-
    familiar. In spite of this, most of you will probably feel more "at home"
    with the latter two concepts than you might anticipate, while feeling less
    familiar than expected with the approach to functions and mappings in
    Chapter 8. An abstract treatment of functions/mappings, although dealing
    with a familiar concept, has a strikingly different emphasis from that seen
    in precalculus and elementary calculus courses. On the other hand, equiva-
    lence relations and partial orderings, even though probably new to you as
    concepts, generalize familiar mathematical relationships.
    The most basic example of an equivalence relation is the relationship
    "equals." The relationships of equality between numbers, equality between
    sets, and indeed equality between any kinds of objects, are all examples of
    equivalence relations. More generally, equivalence relations are the mathe-
    matician's way of describing situations in which two objects can, in some
    sense, be considered and treated as "the same." Viewing different objects
    as indistinguishable, from some specific vantage point, is common, both
    within and outside mathematics. As one example, high school geometry
    students with no knowledge of equivalence relations find it natural to regard
    two congruent triangles as identical in the context of Euclidean plane ge-
    ometry. At even more elementary levels, students are trained to regard pairs

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