Bridge to Abstract Mathematics: Mathematical Proof and Structures

(Dana P.) #1

Condition (i) states that each cell is nonempty. Condition (ii) asserts that
any two cells are either identical or disjoint (or equivalently that any two
distinct cells are disjoint; recall from Chapter 2 that p v q and -p -+ q are
equivalent). Condition (iii) requires that every element of A fall within at
least one of the cells. The division of the real numbers into positive and
negative numbers and zero is an example of a "three-celled" partition of
R. Cells consisting of all rational and all irrational numbers provide a two-
celled partition of R, whereas the odd and even integers yield a two-
celled partition of Z. Any set A can be partitioned into a collection of sin-
gleton cells by '$3 = { {x) 1 x E A). If A is infinite, the latter will constitute a
partition with infinitely many cells. Another example of a partition having
infinitely many cells is the partition v1 = ((01, (- 1, 11, (-2,2},.. .} of

  1. Even small sets, such as A = {1,2,3,4,5), have a large number of par-
    titions, for example, {(l,5), {3,4), (2)) and {{l,2, 3, 51, (4)). Determin-
    ing the number of partitions of an n-element set is a difficult counting
    One connection between partitions and equivalence relations lies in the
    fact that any partition Clg of a set A yields, in a canonical (i.e., standard)
    way, a corresponding equivalence relation.

Let A be a nonempty set and '$I a partition of A. Define a relation - on A by
the rule x -- y if and only if there exists a cell X E '$ such that x E X and y~ X.
Then -- is an equivalence relation on A.
Proof We must prove that - is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
(R) Let x E A be given. By (iii) of Definition 1, x lies in some cell
of the partition. Clearly x lies in the same cell as itself so that x - x.
(S) Given x, y E A, suppose x - y so that x and y lie in some cell of
v. Clearly then y and x lie in that same cell of Clg, so that y - x, as
(T) Given x, y, z E A, suppose that x - y and y - z. To prove x - z,
we must show that there is some cell X E '$3 such that x E X and z E X.
Now since x - y, then there is a cell XI of '$3 such that both x and y are
elements of XI. Since y -- z, there is a cell X, containing both y and z.
Since y E X1 n X2, then X1 = X,, by (ii) of Definition 1. Let X be this
set XI (=X,) and note that x and z lie in X, as desired. 17

Because the equivalence relation - of Theorem 1 is derived from a given
partition 9 of A in a canonical way, we label it by the symbol Alp, and
call it the equivalence relation determined by the partition v.

EXAMPLE 1 Given the partition ']P = ((21, (1,3,4), (5)) of the set A =
{1,2, 3,4, 51, list explicitly the ordered pairs in the corresponding equiva-
lence relation Alp.
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