Bridge to Abstract Mathematics: Mathematical Proof and Structures

(Dana P.) #1


Because C satisfies the multiplicative inverse axiom, it is possible to de-
fine division by a nonzero complex number, namely, if z, and z2 E C with
z2 # 0, we define zl/z2 to be z,z;'. For example, if z, = 2 - 3i and z2 =
5 + i, then zl/z2 = (2 - 3i)/(5 + i) = (2 - 3i)[(5 - i)/26] = (7 - 17i)/26 =
& - (3)i. As a further example, if z, = 1 and z2 = i, then zl/z2 = l/i =
(l)(i) = (1-1 = i. Note that i has the unusual property that its
multiplicative and additive inverses are identical. Verification of various
properties involving division of complex numbers is part of Exercise 7(b).


The formula z- = (x - yi)/(x2 + y2), for the multiplicative inverse of a
nonzero complex number z = x + yi, contains two important quantities
related to z. If z = x + yi is represented by one arrow in Figure 9.4(a),
the quantity x - yi is represented by the other. Note the symmetry with
respect to the y (or imaginary) axis. The real number (x2 + y2) represents
the square of the common length of both arrows [see Theorem 2(f), and
Figure 9.4(b)]. These two quantities, which may be calculated for any com-
plex number z, are of sufficient importance to warrant formal designation.

Let z = x + yi be a complex number. We define:

(a) The complex conjugate of z, denoted z*, by the rule z* = x - yi
(b) The modulus of z, denoted Izl, by the rule Izl = (x2 + y2)lI2

Figure 9.4 Complex conjugate and modulus of a complex number z.
y (imaginary axis)

y (imaginary axis)
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