Bridge to Abstract Mathematics: Mathematical Proof and Structures

(Dana P.) #1

Associative property (continued)
of multiplication, 15, 295, 338
of subtraction (invalidity of), 154
of symmetric difference, 41, 158
of union, 32, 40, 123
Axiom, 149,298
additive identity, 219.
additive inverse, 220
based on Peano's Postulates, 331
least upper bound, 218,221
multiplicative identity, 219
multiplicative inverse, 220
of choice, 224,288, 291

delta, 132
epsilon, 132
between predicates, 85
connective, 61
English language translation of the, 72
law, 69
stronger than the conditional, 70
Bijection, 269, 273, 274
Binary operation, 16, 294
Binomial coefficient, 50, 156, 157
Binomial theorem, 188
Boole, George, 53
Boolean algebra, 53
lower, 246, 31 1
upper, 246,3 1 1
above, 21 7,220,246, 3 1 1
below, 220,246, 3 1 1
function, 202
interval, 8
set, 21 1,220
subset of a metric space, 99
subset of a poset, 246
subset of an ordered field, 3 11
Brouwer, L. E. J., 219

Calculus, 24, 132
advanced, 146, 191
elementary, 128
predicate, 53, 81-1 14
propositional, 53-80
additive, 299, 336, 342
in composition of functions, 263, 266,
multiplicative, 301, 338, 343

Cantor, Georg, 3,277, 280,281,287
Cantor's theorem, 284
Cardinal number(s), 277
comparability of, 288
less than, between, 284
less than or equal to, between, 284
of the continuum, 283
same, 278
Cardinality, 127, 252, 277-289
Cartesian product, 21, 22, 228, 229
Cauchy sequence(s), 203, 329, 330, 353, 354
equivalence classes of, 356
equivalence of, 356
Cells of a partition, 240
Chain in a poset, 248
Chain rule, 260
axiom of, 224, 288, 291
function, 29 1
Choose method, 117
Circular reasoning, 86
Classification theorem, 222
form of a summation formula, 181
interval, 8
subset of a metric space, 99
set, 201, 211, 212
of addition, 212, 295
of multiplication, 212, 295
of subtraction, 347
Cluster point of a sequence, 203, 220
Condomain of a mapping, 256
Cohen, Paul, 287
Collection of sets
arbitrary, 127, 252, 289, 290
arbitrary intersection of, 290
arbitrary union of, 290
countably infinite, 127, 290
decreasing, 125, 290
direct product of, 291
increasing, 125, 290
indexed by an arbitrary set, 290
indexed by N, 124
infinite, 1 15
infinite (countably) intersection of, 125
infinite (countably) union of, 125
mutually disjoint, 125, 290, 292
pairwise disjoint, see Mutually disjoint
College Mathematics Journal, 219
Combinations, 47
Commutative property
of addition, 15, 295, 336
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