Bridge to Abstract Mathematics: Mathematical Proof and Structures

(Dana P.) #1


Statement (continued)
simple, 55
truth value of, 54
Statement form(s), 56
biconditional, 61
component of, 56
conditional, 61
contingency, 59,63
contradiction, 59
logically equivalent, 60
stronger, 69, 74, 97, 104, 108
tautology, 59
weaker, 69
Static view
of a function, 254
of a relation, 231
Story problems, 29
Stronger statement form, 69, 74,97, 104,
Subfield, 296, 359
Subset, 11,15, 116,160,211,231
proper, 12, 15, 165, 169
Subset relation, 232, 246
reflexive property of, 11,40
transitive property of, 11,40, 118
Substitution, 82
closure under, 347
in a field, 301
in N, 339
invalidity of associative property, 154
Successor function, 331
Sufficient, 72
closed form of, 181
formulas, 181,186
induction proofs involving, 18 1
notation, 181
properties, 188
Superset, 11
Supremum, 247
Surjection, 266, 273. See also Surjective
Surjective mapping, 266, 267, 271, 273
Syllogism, see Law of Syllogism
Sylow theorem (third), 223
in definition of equivalence relation, 236
matrix, 158,200
property of a relation, 232
property of set equality, 1440
Symmetric difference, 20
associative property of, 41, 158
commutative property of, 41

negation of definition of, 164
with respect to the origin, 99, 160, 168,
with respect to the x axis, 99, 160, 165,
with respect to the y axis, 160, 165, 166,
with respect to an arbitrary point, 168
Tautology(ies), 59, 63
lists of, 68-69, 70
with the conditional as main connective,
see Implication(s)
with the biconditional as main
connective, see Equivalence(s)
Theorem(s), 40, 149, 298
binomial, 188
Cantor's, 284
classification, 222
deMoivre's, 324, 326
extreme value, 318
Heine-Borel, 223, 3 18
intermediate value, 315
involving a conditional, 36
Lagrange's, 42,223
mean value, 24,222
of set theory, 39-42
of the predicate calculus, 95-101, 104,
of the propositional calculus, 64-76
Rolle's, 221
sandwich, 202
Schroeder-Bernstein, 276, 285, 289
third Sylow, 223
Tychonoff, 224
Topology, 100, 191
Totally ordered set, 248
Tracing ancestry, 276,286
Transcendental function, 254
Transfinite induction, 224
Transfinite processes, 224
in definition of equivalence relation,
in definition of partial ordering, 245
property of a relation, 232
property of set equality, 10,40, 21 1
property of the subset relation, 11, 40,
Translation into English
of connectives, 72
of statements involving quantifiers, 89
Transpose of a matrix, 158
Tree diagram, 44
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