Bridge to Abstract Mathematics: Mathematical Proof and Structures

(Dana P.) #1

Triangle inequality, 153, 157
generalized, 186
in an ordered field, 307
Trichotomy, 304,340
Trigonometric functions, 258
inverse, 159
Trigonometric identities, 155, 176
Trigonometry, 150
Truth set, 82,83
Truth table, 56
proof by, 64
Truth value, 54
Tukey's lemma, 224
Tychonoff s theorem, 224
Type I, 11, I11 limits, 129-132, 142

Unbounded interval, 8
Uncountable set, 283
Undecidable proposition, 287
Uniformly continuous, 144, 223
Union, 16, 25
arbitrary, 290
associative property of, 32,40, 123
commutative property of, 32,40, 123
countable, 125, 290
idempotent property of, 40, 123
identity for, 40, 121
infinite, 125- 128
of intervals, 168, 177
Uniqueness, 100
of identities and inverses in a field, 299
of the limit, 213, 215,220
proofs of, 212,214-216,219-222

Universal quantifier, 88
Universal set, 6, 36-37
in a predicate, 82
in a statement form, 56
Upper bound, 246,3 1 1
Upper triangular matrix, 99, 169, 177

Valid argument, 76-80, 110-1 14
Variable, 82
dependent, 254
dummy, 88, 125
in a predicate, 82, 88
independent, 254
Vector space, 161
Venn diagram(s), 24, 28, 30
in logic, 111-113
"proof by," 30, 36
use in counting, 49

Weaker statement form, 69
Weierstrass, Karl, 132
Well defined
operation, 330, 344-345, 350, 358
relation, 250
set, 4, 14
Well ordering principle, 187, 218, 221, 330,

Zorn's lemma, 224
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