Bridge to Abstract Mathematics: Mathematical Proof and Structures

(Dana P.) #1
42 SETS Chapter 1

The following statements of equivalence, that is, involving "if and only if," can
be proved to be theorems of set theory. For all sets X and Y in any universal
set U:

  1. X c Y if and only if Y' c X'

  2. X s Y if and only if X u Y = Y

  3. X E Y if and only if X n Y = X

  4. X c Y if and only if X - Y = 0
    57. X G Y if and only if X n Y' = (21
    58. X G Y if and only if X' u Y = U

The following statements of implication, that is, involving "if... then," can be
proved to be theorems of set theory. For all sets X, Y, and Z in any universal
set U:

  1. If X G Y and X c Z, then X G Y n Z

  2. If X G Z and Y c Z, then X u Y G Z

  3. If X G Y, then Y = X u (Y - X)

  4. If Xc Z, then Xu (Y n Z) = (Xu Y) n Z

  5. If Xn Y=XnZand Xu Y=XuZ, then Y=Z

  6. If Xn Y=XnZand X'n Y=X'nZ, then Y=Z

  7. If Xu Y=XuZand X'u Y=X'uZ, then Y=Z

  8. If X n Y = 0, then X A Y = X u Y

  9. If X x Y = X x Z and X # 0, then Y = Z

  10. If X x Y = Y x X, X # fa, and Y # 0, then X = Y

  11. If Y x Z = 0, then Y = 0 or Z = (21


Compare the list of possible theorems of set theory compiled in Exercise 1, Article
1.3, with the theorems stated in Article 1.4.

1.5 Counting Properties of Finite Sets (Optional)

At various stages of an introduction to advanced mathematics, it is impor-
tant to be acquainted with both certain formulas for counting the number
of elements in finite sets and methods of proof known as counting arguments.
The latter are important, for example, in abstract algebra, with the proof
of the famous theorem of Lagrange from group theory a case in point.
The material in this article may be familiar to readers who have studied
elementary probability.
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