FINANCE Corporate financial policy and R and D Management

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TABLE 6.1 (Continued)

1984 1985 1986 1987

Variable Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat

Intercept 0.013 4.68 0.014 14.08 0.012 9.82 0.01 1.37
PK 0.006 0.97 0.007 3.36 0.017 3.66 0.03 1.49
CAK 0 0.02 –0.004 –3.06 –0.002 –1.85 0.003 0.48
IK –0.001 –0.1 –0.005 –1.15 –0.003 –0.75 –0.025 –1.35
FS 0.002 0.23 0.002 0.6 –0.009 –2.61 0.132 10.05
F-Statistic 0.71 4.86 5.28 25.71
Adj R2 0 0.02 0.02 0.1

1988 1989 1990 1991

Variable Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat

Intercept 0.012 5.82 0.012 4.56 0.012 4.33 0.014 9.98
PK 0.064 6.65 0.036 5.87 0.033 4.92 0.026 5.77
CAK –0.02 –6.17 –0.011 –2.83 –0.001 –0.43 –0.004 –5.24
IK –0.038 –2.9 –0.005 –0.49 –0.029 –2.48 –0.029 –4.08
FS 0.038 4.95 –0.014 –1.71 0.03 3.76 0.015 2.69
F-Statistic 15.46 10.38 9.9 10.29
Adj R2 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.03

1992 1993 1994 1995

Variable Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat

Intercept 0.017 10.91 0.019 9.4 0.02 8.44 0.014 6.03
PK 0.025 6.71 0.015 3.69 0.02 3.99 0.03 8.74
CAK 0.001 0.57 –0.011 –2.9 –0.017 –4.85 –0.022 –5.77
IK –0.065 –6.24 –0.034 –4.12 –0.045 –4.71 –0.007 –0.89
FS 0.006 1.38 0.004 1.29 0 –0.45 0 –0.28
F-Statistic 11.98 5.89 11.66 27.39
Adj R2 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.07

1996 1997 1998 1999

Variable Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat Coeff T-Stat

Intercept 0.019 8.94 0.025 11.83 0.026 6.34 0.015 12.34
PK 0.015 4.07 –0.017 –10.82 0.001 0.13 0.005 3.31
CAK –0.013 –4.9 –0.015 –4.63 –0.019 –3.19 –0.006 –3.71
IK –0.028 –3.58 –0.028 –5.68 –0.054 –2.94 –0.027 –3.53
FS –0.005 –1.72 0.002 1.1 0.009 3.43 0 –0.16
F-Statistic 13.17 36.6 6.41 4.65
Adj R2 0.03 0.08 0.01 0.01

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