Overall Height: $Vi6 in. (14.1 cm); Bowl:
Height: 5M6 in. (13.2 cm); Width: yVs in.
(18.7 cm); Depth: 5^3 /s in. (13.6 cm); Stand:
Height: Vs in. (2.3 cm); Diameter: yVi6 in.
(18.2 cm)
Accession number 84.DH.74.1.2a— .2b
Hans Backer, London; Martin Norton,
Nieda, "Acquisitions 1984," no. 2, pp. 72-76,
illus.; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMusJi^
(1985), no. 52, p. 177, illus.
Pair of Sugar Castors
Paris, 1743
By Simon Gallien
Each castor is marked with the maker's
stamp of S.G., a sun and two grains below a
crowned fleur-de-lys; a crowned C (the war
den's mark used between May 30,1743, and
July 6,1744); a crowned A (the charge mark
used between October 4,1738, and Octo
ber 13,1744, under the fermierLouis Robin);
a fox's head (the discharge mark used on
small silver objects between October 4,1738,
and October 13,1744); a salmon's head (the
discharge mark used on small silver objects
between October 13,1744, and October 10,
1750, under the fermier Antonie Leschaudel);
a fly (the countermark used between Octo
ber 13,1744, and October 10,1750, under
the fermier Antoine Leschaudel); a laurel
leaf (the countermark used between Octo
ber 13,1756, and November 22,1762, under
the fermier'Eloy Brichard); an open right
hand (the countermark used between
November 22,1762, and December 23,1768,
under the fermier Jean-Jacques Prévost); an
TV inscribed in an oval (the Dutch date letter
for 1822 for works in precious metal); and
an ax (a Dutch standard mark used since
1852 for old silver objects returned to circu
lation). The base of castor .1 is inscribed
409\ the base of castor .2 is inscribed 409A.
Castor .1: Height: 10%. in. (26 cm);
Diameter: 4% in. (11.5 cm); Castor .2:
Height: ιοΥχ in. (26.6 cm); Diameter:
45 /8 in. (11.7 cm)
Accession number 84 .DG.744.1-.2
Ε J. E. Horstmann (sold, Frederik Müller,
Amsterdam, November 19-21,1919, lot 178);
Jean-Louis Bonnefoy, Paris; Sir Robert Abdy,
Bt., Newton Ferrers, Cornwall; by descent to
Sir Valentine Abdy; [S. J. Phillip^ London].
"Acquisitions/1984," GettyMusJ'13 (1985),
no. 53, p. 178, illus.
One of a pair 189