F. J. B. Watson, Walkce Collection
Catalogues: Furniture (London, 1956), pi. 120;
"Ajcquisitions/1989," GettyMusJiS (1990),
no. 57, p. 195, illus.
- Lidded Bowl
Paris, circa 1770
Porphyry; gilt-bronze mounts
Height: 1 ft. 4 in. (40.6 cm); Width:
ι ft. 4/2 in. (41.9 cm); Depth: 9% in.
(24.1 cm)
Accession number 73 .Dj.88
I. Rosenbaum, Frankfurt am Main (sold,
Parke-Bernet, New York, December 5-6,
1946, lot 309); [Dalva Brothers, Inc., New
York, 1973]; purchased by J. Paul Getty.
273. Pair of Urns
Paris, circa 1780
Porphyry; gilt-bronze mounts
Height: ι ft. 2 in. (35.6 cm); Diameter: 9 in.
(22.9 cm)
Accession number 74 .DJ.24.1-.2
[Matthew Schutz, Ltd., New York, 1974];
purchased by J. Paul Getty. - Pair of Standing Tazzas
Paris, circa 1785
Jaune foncι marble and (?) breche violette;
gilt-bronze mounts
One mount, a replacement, stamped BY
for the bronzier Louis-Auguste-Alfred
Height: 1 ft. zVs in. (37.8 cm); Width:
95 /8 in. (24.3 cm); Depth: 9% in. (25.2 cm)
Accession number 74 .DJ.4.1-.2
Napoleon Lannes, 2nd due de Montebello;
Louis-Auguste-Alfred Beurdeley, Paris, by
1882; Alfred-Emanuel-Louis Beurdeley (son
of Louis-Auguste-Alfred Beurdeley), Paris
(sold, May 19-20,1899, lot 178); Lindon
collection (sold, Sotheby's, London, June
26,1964, lot 87; [R. L. Harrington, Ltd.,
London, 1967]; [Dalva Brothers, Inc., New
York]; purchased by J. Paul Getty.
One of a pair 273
One of a pair 274