Decorative Arts: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue of the Collections of the J. Paul Getty Museum

(Jeff_L) #1


Genoa, Esposizione artνstico archeologico
industrνale aperta nelle Sale dell'Accademia
Ling٧istica, 1868, no. 55, p. 115; Genoa,
Palazzo Bianco, Mostra dArte Antica, 1892,
no. 86, p. 75; Genoa, Palazzo Spinola and
Palazzo Reale, Genova neWEta Barocca,
May 2-July 26,1992; Frankfurt, Schirn
Kunsthalle, Kunst in der Republik Genua,
September 4-November 8,1992.

Hugh Macandrew, "A Silver Basin Designed
by Strozzi," Burlington Magazine 113 (Janu­
ary 1971), pp. 4-11; Ronald W. Lightbown,
"A Note on the Silver Basin," Burlington
Magazine 113 (January 1971), p. 11; Hugh
Macandrew, "Genoese Silver on Loan to the
Ashmolean Museum," Burlington Magazine
114 (September 1972), pp. 611-620; Carl
Hernmarck, The Art of the European Silver­
smith 1430-1830 (London and New York,

I977)> ν°1· i> P- (^2) 33; Handbook 1991, p. 212,
illus.; David A. Scott, "Technological,
Analytical, and Microstructural Studies of
a Renaissance Silver Basin," Archeomaterials
5, no. ι (Winter 1991), pp. 21-45; Franco
Boggero and Farida Simonetti, Argenti
genovesi da parata tra cinque e seicento
(Turin, 1992), no. 7, p. 233, pis. 20-23;
pp. 132,135-143·

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