Decorative Arts: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue of the Collections of the J. Paul Getty Museum

(Jeff_L) #1
London, P. and D. Colnaghi and Co., The
Adjectives of History: Furniture and Works of
Art 1550-1870,1983, no. 47.
"Acquisitions/1985," GettyMusJ'14 (1986),
no. 224, p. 255, illus.


  1. Jug with Pecking Bird (boceσle)
    Tuscany, early fifteenth century
    Tin-glazed earthenware
    Height: 9% in. (25 cm); Diameter (at lip):
    3% in. (9.5 cm); Maximum Width: 63 /s in.
    (16.2 cm)
    Accession number 84.DE. 95
    Private collection, the Netherlands; [Rainer
    Zietz, Ltd., London].
    "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985),
    no. 155, pp. 239-240, illus.; Hess, Maiolica,
    no. 3, pp. 17-19.

  2. Two-handled "Oak-Leaf" Drug Jar
    (orciuolo biansato)
    Florence, circa 1420-1440
    Tin-glazed earthenware
    Marked with a three-runged ladder sur­
    mounted by a cross painted on each side
    and a P, possibly intertwined with a back­
    ward C, below each handle. 335

Height: 1 ft. %. in. (31.1 cm); Diameter
(at lip): 55 /8 in. (14.3 cm); Maximum Width:
n^3 4in. (29.8 cm)
Accession number 85 .DE.56
Wilhelm von Bode, Berlin; Glogowski,
Berlin (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 8,
1932, lot 58); August Lederer, Vienna; Erich
Lederer, Geneva.

Henry Wallis, Oak-Leaf Jars: A Fifteenth-
Century Italian Ware Showing Moresco
Influence (London, 1903), p. 35, illus. p. 9,
fig. 7; Wilhelm von Bode, Die Anfange der
Majolikakunst in Toskana (Berlin, 1911),
pi. 14; Joseph Chompret, Repertoire de U
majolique italienne, vol. 2 (Paris, 1949),
fig. 648; Galeazzo Cora, Storia della maiolica
di Firenze e del contado delXIV e del XV
secσlo (Florence, 1973), vol. 1, p. 76; vol. 2,
pis. 61-62, 63c; Giovanni Conti, LArte delU
maiolica in Italia, 2nd ed. (Milan, 1980),
pis. 45-46; Anna Moore Valeri, "Florentine
'Zajfera a Rilievd Maiolica: A New Look at
the 'Oriental Influence,'" Archaeologia
medievale 2 (1984), pp. 477-500, fig. 4b;
"Acquisitions/1985," GettyMusJ 14 (1986),
no. 211, p. 251, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 5,
pp. 23-25; Handbook 1991, p. 200, illus.


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