Height: 3 ft. 11% in. (120 cm); Width:
3 ft. ι in. (94 cm); Depth: 1 ft. \% in. (34 cm)
Accession number 65.DA. 2
Baron Nathaniel de Rothschild, Vienna,
by 1903; Baron Alphonse de Rothschild,
Vienna; confiscated by the Third Reich
in March 1938; restituted to the Baroness
Clarice de Rothschild, Vienna, in 1947 and
sent to New York shortly afterward (sold
privately, 1950); [Rosenberg and Stiebel,
Inc., New York, 1950]; purchased by J. Paul
Baron Nathaniel de Rothschild, Notizen
über einige meiner Kunstgegenstände (1903),
no. 319, p. 128; Paul Wescher, "French Fur
niture of the Eighteenth Century in the
J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18,
no. 2 (Summer 1955), p. 131, illus. p. 134;
Charles Packer, French Furniture by the
Master Ebénistes (Newport, Monmouth
shire, 1956), p. 59, fig. 175A; Verlet et al.,
Chef d'oeuvre, p. 127, illus.; Getty, Collecting,
p. 156, illus. p. 157; Michael Stürmer,
Handwerk und höfische Kultur: Europäische
Möbelkunst im 18. Jahrhundert (Munich,
1982), p. 47, illus.; Adrian Sassoon, "Sevres
Plaques," Techniques of the Worlds Great
Masters of Pottery and Ceramics, Hugo
Morley-Fletcher, ed. (Oxford, 1984),
pp. 62-63, illus.; Gisela Zick, "Die russische
Wahrsagerin, Ein Tisch für Marie Karoline
von Neapel," Kunst und Antiquitäten 4-5
(1984), pp. 36-52, pl. 4, p. 39; Reinier J.
Baarsen, "Rond een Nederlandse Lodewijk
XVI secretaire op Het Loo," Antiek 7
(February 1986), pp. 384-395; Savill, Sévres,
vol. 2, pp. 612, 877, 879; η. 45, p. 613;
nn. 45-46, p. 901; Pradére, Les Ebénistes,
no. 29, p. 356; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire,
p. 162; Daniel Alcouffe, "Secretaire ä
abbattant," Louvre: Nouvelles acquisitions
du department des objets d'art, ip8$-ip8p
(Paris, 1990), no. 71, p. 154, illus.; Sassoon,
Vincennes and Sevres Porcehin, no. 35,
pp. 174-176, illus. pp. 175-177.
- Secretaire
Paris, circa 1775
By Rene Dubois
Oak veneered with kingwood, tulipwood,
and lemonwood; incised with colored
mastics; set with mother-of-pearl; gilt-
bronze mounts; white marble top
Stamped I.DUBOIS and JMEon back.
Height: 5 ft. 3 in. (160 cm); Width:
2 ft. 3^5 /8 in. (70.2 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 1% in.
(33.7 cm)
Accession number 72 .DA.60
Sir Richard Wallace, Paris; Lady Wallace,
Paris, by inheritance, 1890; Sir John Murray
Scott, London, by inheritance, 1897 (sold
after his death, Christie's, London, June 24,
1913, lot 54); Ε. M. Hodgkins; [Jacques
Seligmann, Paris]; Henry Walters, New
York (sold by his widow, Parke-Bernet,
New York, April 26,1941, lot 712); Baron
and Baroness Cassel van Doom, Paris (sold,
Galerie Jean Charpentier, Paris, March 9,
1954, lot 90); Guedes de Souza, Paris;
[Frank Partridge and Sons, Ltd., London,
1972]; purchased by J. Paul Getty.
Jean Nicolay, LArt et h Maniere des Maitres
Ebénistes frangais au XVIIIeme siecle (Paris,
1956), p. 153, illus.; Ε J. B. Watson, Louis
XVI Furniture (London, i960), no. 89, illus.;
Jean Meuvret and Claude Frégnac, Les
Ebénistes du XVIIIe siécle frangais (Paris,
1963), p. 221, illus.; F. Lewis Hinckley,
A Directory of Antique French Furniture
1735-1800 (New York, 1967), p. 69, illus.