Decorative Arts: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue of the Collections of the J. Paul Getty Museum

(Jeff_L) #1

Alfred de Champeaux, Portefeuille des arts
décoratifs y eme année (Paris, 1884-1885),
pi. 578; Emile Molinier, Histoire genérale des
arts appliques ä Tindustrie du XVe a la fin du
XVIIIe siecle, vol. 3, Le Mobilier au XVIIe et
au XVIIIe siecle (Paris, 1896), illus. p. 99;
Frantz Marcou and Emile Moliner, Cata­
logue officiel illustre de Texposition retro­
spective de l'art frangais des origines ä 1800
(Paris, 1900), illus. pp. 113-114 and fol. 60;
Marie-Juliette Ballot, Charles Cressent:
Sculpteur, ébéniste, collectionneur, Archives
de Vart frangais: Nouvellepériode 10 (Paris,
1919), pp. 113-114,136-137,145; Adolf
Feulner, Kunstgeschichte des Möbels seit
dem Altertum (Berlin, 1927), p. 314; Getty,
Collecting, pp. 142-143, illus.; Pierre Verlet,
La Maison du XVIIIe siecle en France: Société,

decoration, mobilier (Paris, 1966), no. 133,
pp. 168-169, illus.; Claude Frégnac, Les
Styles frangais, vol. 1 (Paris, 1975), p. 179,
illus.; Wilson, Selections, no. 10, pp. 20-21,

  1. Writing and Card Table
    Paris, circa 1725
    Oak and pine veneered with satiné rouge
    and kingwood; walnut drawers; gilt-bronze
    mounts; modern silk velvet
    Closed Height: 2 ft. 6Y 4 in. (76.8 cm);
    Width: 3 ft. 3% in. (101.3 cm); Depth:
    ι ft. 8%. in. (51.4 cm); Opened Height:
    2 ft. 5/8 in. (74 cm); Width: 3 ft. 3% in.
    (101.3 cm); Depth: 3 ft. 4 in. (101.6 cm)
    Accession number 75.DA. 2

Jane, Countess of Westmorland (wife of the
10th Earl, married 1800, died 1857), Cotter-
stock Hall, Northamptonshire, from the
late eighteenth century; Lieutenant Colonel
Hon. Henry Fane (son of Jane, Countess
of Westmorland; died 1857), Cotterstock
Hall; Henry Dundas, 5th Viscount Melville
(cousin of Hon. Henry Fane, died 1904),
Cotterstock Hall; Dundas family, Melville
Castle, Scotland, until 1967; [Alexander and
Berendt, Ltd., London]; [French and Co.,
New York]; purchased by J. Paul Getty.


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