- Bed (lita fa turque)
Paris, circa 1750-1760
Attributed to Jacques-Jean-Baptiste Tilliard
Gilded beech; modern silk upholstery
Height: 5 ft. SYi in. (174 cm); Width:
8 ft. 8*4 in. (264.8 cm); Depth: 6 ft. 2 in.
(188 cm)'
Accession number 86.DA. 535
Private collection, England, since the end
of the eighteenth century; [Alexander and
Berendt, Ltd., London, 1986].
"Acquisitions/1986," GettyMusJi^ (1987),
no. 106, p. 213, illus.; Pallot, L'Art du siege
(Paris, 1987), p. 75, illus.
- Pair of Gueridons
Paris, circa 1680
Attributed to Andre-Charles Boulle
Oak veneered with ebony, tortoiseshell,
blue painted horn, brass, pewter; gilt-bronze
Height: 4 ft. 8^5 /s in. (143.8 cm); Width
(at base): 1 ft. 4% in. (41.9 cm); Depth (at
base): 1 ft. γ/% in. (43.5 cm)
Accession number 87 .DA.5.1-.2
(?) Pierre-Louis Randon de Boisset, Paris
(sold, Paris, February 27 to March 25, 1777,
lot 796, for 1,000 livres, to Sr. Platrier);
(?) Pierre-Nicolas, baron Hoorn van
Vlooswyck, Paris (sold, Paris, November 22,
1809, lot 593, to the dealer Hennequart);
Princesse de Faucigny-Lucinge, Paris, circa
1937; [Maurice Segoura, Paris, 1986].
Genevieve Mazel, "1777, La Vente Randon
de Boisset et le marché de l'art au i8e
siécle," L'Estampille 202 (April 1987), p. 41,
illus.; Michel Beurdeley, "París 1777: La
Vente Randon de Boisset ou le mécanisme
secret des ventes publiques au XVHIe siécle,"
Trois Steeles de ventes publiques (Fribourg,
1988), p. 53, illus.; "Acquisitions/1987,"
GettyMusJ 16 (1988), no. 67, p. 177, illus.;
Pradére, Les Ebénistes, nos. 255-256, p. 106.