Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1
Figure 8-4

The more personal or identifiable the information
you share, the fewer people you should share it with.
If you choose to make your blog public, disclose only
information that you want anyone and everyone in
the world to know.

➟ Periodically review who has access to your site and
make changes if necessary. Friends change over time,
and once-trusted people may become less trusted.

➟ Keep identifying details to yourself and close friends.

  • Think carefully before using your real name on
    your site (or anyone else’s real name, either).
    Create a nickname or screen name that doesn’t
    attract the wrong kind of attention or allow some-
    one to find you.

  • Be cautious about giving information that puts you
    on the map. Don’t mention such details as your
    address, where you work, or even your town name
    (especially if it’s a small town).

➟ On blogs that are set to be viewable by the general
public, be smart about the photos you post. Consider
these things:


Part II: Using the Internet While Dodging the Risk
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