Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1
➟ Be cautious about marital status.About 30 percent
of males on dating sites are, in fact, married and just
looking for something on the side. A certain number
of women may be doing the same. Be sure to ask
pointed questions.

➟ Maintain anonymity to protect your identity.Don’t
include your full name, phone number, where you
work, or detailed location information in your profile
or during early communications with potential dates.
Stop communicating with anyone who presses you
for this type of information.

➟ Be smart about choosing profile pictures.Make sure
your photos reflect what you want to say about your-
self. Provocative pictures may attract the wrong peo-
ple. Make sure that your images do not contain
identifying information such as nearby landmarks or
a shirt with your town’s name embroidered on it.

Figure 9-2


Part II: Using the Internet While Dodging the Risk
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