Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1
to share, review other people’s postings and look for
risks to which they may have inadvertently exposed

➟ Make a conscious choice about whether you want
the site to have restricted(only those whom you
allow) or public(available to anyone) access. Then
you can decide what information you want to provide.

➟ Let others know your safety boundaries so they can
share with you on the site in a way that respects
your wishes. And take the time to learn other’s
restrictions so that you’re respectful of their safety and

➟ Think about using a friend as a safety check. When
you’re caught up in joy or grief, safety may be the last
thing on your mind. Asking a friend to monitor the
site for risks — so that you can concentrate on what
matters to you in the moment — is a great way to let
others help.

➟ Create a unique e-mail address if you put contact
information online.That way, if the account ends up
getting too much spam, you can shut it down without
compromising your main e-mail account.

Understand How Criminals Groom Victims

Criminals, unfortunately, are an unpleasant fact of life. The idea that
criminals are online is concerning, but there is a large gap between the
sensational way that news reports present facts and the reality. With
some simple steps, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling vic-
tim to online crimes.

Criminal groomingoccurs when criminals interact with potential victims
to create an environment of trust that enables crime. Criminals may do


Chapter 9: Dating Safely Online
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