Teach your kids to question why someone they meet
online is actively seeking their trust, sending gifts, or
trying to alienate them from their family or friends.
➟ Teach kids to trust their instincts when something
feels weird and report it to you.
Take time to read “Internet Safety Education for Teens:
Getting It Right,” at http://depts.washington.
Saftey_for_Teens_2-6-08.pdf, created by the
Crimes against Children Research Center. Also, visit
our Web site, http://www.ilookbothways.com, and search
for the latest information on sexual predators.
If You Think Your Grandchild Is Being Groomed
If you suspect your grandchild is being groomed by a sexual predator,
follow these steps:
➟ Stay calm.Fear and anger are natural reactions; how-
ever they can frighten the child. Never blame, punish,
or embarrass a victim.
➟ Believe your child.Children don’t typically lie about
sexual abuse. Believe what you’re being told and lis-
ten carefully.
➟ Reassure the victim that this isn’t his fault.Thank
the child for telling you. Give positive messages such
as, “This isn’t your fault,” or “You were very smart to
tell me about this.”
Chapter 11: Grandparents Rule!