Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1
At some point, right around the .comcrash in the late 1990s, Web
companies realized that most people weren’t really willing to pay for
services. That’s when everybody’s high-tech stocks took a dive and
many online services and sites essentially became free. Browse the Web
today and you’ll find free e-mail accounts, free news, free mortgage cal-
culators, free recipes, and on and on (see Figure 2-1).

Figure 2-1

This begs the question, how do these companies make money? Ask
most people how free online services and sites make money, and they’ll
answer in one word: advertising.

In reality, the primary way most free services tend to make money isn’t
by selling advertising space to other companies. What they sell, depend-
ing on their terms and conditions, is access to you and your information to
advertisers, marketers, researchers, and others who want your informa-
tion for a wide variety of ethical, unethical, or entirely illegal purposes.

Part I: The Foundation of Using the Internet Safely

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