Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1
➟ Use unique passwords on sensitive sites so that, if
one password is compromised, all of your Web infor-
mation isn’t compromised.

➟ Passwords that are short, simple words or include
numbers that relate to personal information (such
as birth date or address) are easy to guess. Don’t
use them.

➟ If you made hard-to-remember passwords, you prob-
ably did so because your business or a Web site
forced you to. In this case, you’re likely to have a list
of the passwords next to your computer — even
though you know this also compromises your safety.
It’s okay to keep the list, just put it in a safe place
that’s not near your computer.

Recognize Weak Passwords

Use Table 3-1 to help make sure your passwords aren’t weak.

Table 3-1 Weak Passwords
Password Weakness
Password The word passwordis the most commonly used password, and
it’s pathetically weak — as are defaultand blank.These are
simple words and easily guessed or broken with a dictionary
assault on the password.
Smith1968 Although this uses nine characters and includes letters and
numbers, names that are associated with you or your family,
or other identifying information such as birth year, are easily
F1avoR Although it mixes upper- and lowercase letters and numbers,
it’s too short. And substituting the number 1 for the letter l is
easy to guess.


Chapter 3: Raise Your Safety Bar Today
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