Using the Internet Safely For Seniors

(WallPaper) #1
You can empty your History file so that no one can
see the sites you’ve visited. (Kids do this a lot to hide
searches from their parents or grandparents, but their
monitoring software will flag this.) Perhaps you don’t
want your spouse or partner to know that you’ve been
researching presents for an upcoming birthday, or
maybe you’re using a public computer and don’t want
to leave a trail. Whatever your motivation, to erase
your history, choose Tools➪Internet Options. On the
General tab of the Internet Options dialog box, click
the Delete button under Browsing History.

Search the Internet

Simple-to-use programs called search enginesmake it easy to find infor-
mation on the Internet — probably more information than you ever

  1. To use Internet Explorer’s search feature, open IE and click
    in the Searchtext box in the top-right corner on the tool-
    bar. The default search engine is Windows Live Search.

2.Type a search term in the text box and then click Search
(the little magnifying glass shaped button to the right of
the search field). A search termis simply a word or phrase
that relates to the results you seek. For example, if you
want information about arthritis, enter the word arthritis
or the phrase joint pain.Keep these guidelines in mind:

  • Be as specific as possible. For example, to look for infor-
    mation on train travel in Canada, don’t just enter
    Canada; instead, enter something like train trips, Canada.

  • You can separate several terms with commas, such as
    dogs, retrieversto search for results with either or both
    words. (This depends on the search engine; Google
    looks for only those results with both words; some
    others won’t.)


Part II: Using the Internet While Dodging the Risk

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