Better Available Light Digital Photography : How to Make the Most of Your Night and Low-light Shots

(Frankie) #1
RAW-image-file capture 187

Editing RAW or JPEG images in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom doesn’t change the original fi les, because one
must output the image as a new fi le. This makes it easy to rework older images with new technology. This
JPEG photograph was revisited in such a way to adjust the shadow detail, Color Balance, and cropping without
impacting the original. Output has been in several formats, including CMYK for inclusion in this book and
for a marketing postcard. © 2005 Barry Staver.

Barry has cut down the time spent in Photoshop by 80 percent since he’s been using Lightroom. There’s no
need to open individual images in Photoshop for simple corrections or even for cropping. By saving the fi le
as a new, cropped version, this cute photograph of a small boy helping set out mats for a yoga class has been
cropped in from the left without altering the original or taking additional storage space. If the client needs
the image with the uncropped area returned, it’s easy to recrop in Lightroom and then output it again. ©
2007 Barry Staver.

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