Better Available Light Digital Photography : How to Make the Most of Your Night and Low-light Shots

(Frankie) #1

212 Glossary

negatives and a Master Disc can store up to 100 high-resolution
images from 35mm fi lm. Images are stored in fi ve different fi le
sizes and fi ve different resolutions.
PICT Another acronym without a strict defi nition, this time
for a metafi le fi le format for the Mac OS. As a metafi le, PICT
fi les contain both bitmapped and vector information.

Picture CD A Kodak process that converts fi lm-based images
into digital fi les, using the JPEG format, and places the photos
on a CD-ROM. This service can be ordered when you have your
fi lm processed by camera stores and other retail outlets. Their
images are returned to consumers as traditional prints and on a
Picture CD as digital fi les that can be viewed, enhanced, printed,
or e-mailed.

Piezoelectric The property of some crystals that oscillate when
subjected to electrical voltage. A form of print-head design that
is used by Epson in their Stylus Color family of ink-jet printers.
Piezoelectric technology generates electricity when applying
mechanical stress.

Pixel Acronym for picture element. A computer’s screen is
made up of thousands of these colored dots of light that, when
combined, produce a photographic image. A digital photograph’s
resolution, or visual quality, is determined by the width and
height of the image as measured in pixels.
PMT Photomultiplier tube. A type of sensing technology used
in drum scanners.

PNG (pronounced “ping”) Portable Network Graphics. This
successor to the GIF format was created by a coalition of
independent graphics developers to design a new, royalty-free
graphics fi le format. Not many people use it, though.

PostScript A programming language created by Adobe
Systems that defi nes all of the shapes in a fi le as outlines
and interprets these outlines by mathematical formulas called
Bezier curves. Any PostScript-compatible output device
uses those defi nitions to reproduce the image on your computer
PPI Pixels per inch.

Profi le A small fi le that gives your monitor (or any other
device) data that associates each number with a measured color
based on specifi cations created by the International Color
Consortium ( When your computer communicates
color information, it not only transmits numerical data, but also
specifi es how those numbers should appear. Color-managed
software (the next step) can then take this profi le into consider-
ation and adjust the device accordingly.
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