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successful intuitively and have found the faculty of being
able to visualize, very clearly, the future as they desire
it. Something must have prompted Getty to entitle his
autobiography, " As I See It".

Many of my students, who have completed my
biocomputer seminars, have actually astonished
themselves with the results they have attained. By
persistently visualizing the future in a relaxed mode,
many of them have attained goals, they at one time,
thought impossible to reach. I too am amazed by
some of the things that I have attained for myself
through the constant and persistent use of relaxation
and visualization. Before I walked on red hot coals on
the Ray Martin Midday Show (while I was on tour in
Australia) I visualized myself doing it. I also saw in
my imagination, Ray Martin doing the walk with me,
which he did. (That was marvellous publicity, we
jammed the switchboards for over three hours!) I also
visualized talking in front of a massive Amway
audience and getting a standing ovation for my one
hour biocomputer presentation. These, among many
other things have happened to me. I wouldn't dream
of doing a TV or radio interview without visualizing
the complete thing in advance. I always visualize
business transactions, in full in my imagination
before I enter into any agreements or contracts. The
results speak for themselves! I have products selling
in over thirty countries around the world, and it's all
come out of a vision that I've had.

By relaxing and visualizing the things that I
wanted to happen in the future, I have accomplished
many things. I have absolute proof of how and why
the technique works. I have absolute proof that every
time I fail to use the technique, failure is inevitable. I
know that if I keep up with the practice of relaxing
and visualizing the future as I desire it, I will

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