Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

success, the biocomputer will immediately come back
on board and start performing miracles at the speed of
light. (Probably really is the speed of light as well,
that's the speed the electro chemicals can whizz around
the biocomputer from cell to cell as it goes on its
problem solving missio n, but only if you tell it to!)

If you had properly visualized the goal: "My book
is a bestseller" you would have spent a lot of energy
creating mental images of you signing a deal with a
literary agent. You would have vividly imagined the
agent selling the manuscript to a publisher. You would
actually see yourself receiving an advance, in your
imagination. You would see yourself doing pro-
motional seminars allover the country, maybe even all
over the world. You would see yourself making
numerous TV and radio appearances. You would see
yourself being interviewed by the newspapers. You
would actually be able to see, in your imagination, the
I book in stores all over America. You would not stop
there, not unless you like sliding down snakes. You'd
keep going. You'd see that six monthly royalty checks
were coming in and then you'd see the book on the
bestseller list, all in your imagination, you'd create a
very strong program in the electrochemicals of your
biocomputer and that is the track you would run on.

You would then see yourself writing the next book,
because that's the way to sustain success. You have to
keep on programming for the future, never stopping!

Do an exercise right now. Write down a brief
I description of the following six items on a sheet of
paper: Your livelihood, auto, living accommodation,
money in pocket, relationship and assets. Once you
have done that you should then write down next to
those items the biocomputer language that you used to
attract those things to you. Go back to the day when
you decided that you wanted those specific things for

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