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(nextflipdebug5) #1

yourself. I can assure you that you have got exactly
what you programmed for, six cases out of six. The
next part of the exercise, is of course, honing the goals
up in any other areas of your life where you think you
may like improvement.

Why are you reading this paragraph when you
haven't done the exercise? I suppose the next thing
you'll do is rush out and buy a pile of self-help books
hoping to find the secret of success. I suppose the thing
you'll do after that is go through another ten years of
poverty, misery and not accomplishing your goals and
sliding down all those snakes. Hey, this is me you're
talking to. I can't be fooled. If you really want to do
yourself a favor and start going up ladders, FOR A
CHANGE, carry out the instructions, get a sheet of
paper and write down those six items before you
forget. Have a close look at some of the biocomputer
language that you have inserted unwittingly into your
billion dollar biocomputer. Do it now! I'll still be here
when you get back!

Before a conventional computer can solve any
problem it first has to define the problem. When you
reprogram your biocomputer, in future, you must take
great pains to define your problems and goals and
give specific instructions for the accomplishment of
the same, taking particular regard for going further
into the future than you would do normally. Don't
forget, from here on in, you want to go way beyond
the point where you would normally self-destruct.

The first major point about understanding the
biocomputer is that it does what it is told, no more and
no less. The second thing to understand is that
instructions to the biocomputer must be very simple
and straight forward.

I have read the same books that you have. Many
say give a time limit to your goals and give a detailed

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