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(nextflipdebug5) #1

because the RAS acts as a filter and no longer lets in
information that is not important to you.

Of course the RAS works the other way around as
well. Anyone who has ever done research knows they
can 'skim' hundreds of newspapers and articles and the
RAS will always allow what is important to come into
the field of vision. This is sometimes known as 'mind
set', but all it is, is the RAS operating efficiently. If you
develop a burning desire for a project the RAS will
allow everything to come to your attention that is
needed for you to complete the project successfully.

The RAS has a number of other very important
functions. It takes note of your environment. It knows
everything about where you're at in your life. It takes
notice of your surroundings, who you are, where you
are, and what it is that you are trying to accomplish.

The RAS has other functions which are equally
important. Don't forget this tiny mechanism accounts
for a whopping seventy percent of the total neurons in
your biocomputer. The RAS is responsible for
activating the mechanism of the words, (left computer,
words, affirmations, I will, willpower) and it is also
responsible for activating your imagination (right
computer, pictures, visualizations, imagining the
future). We have talked many times about the secret of
success but I very much doubt that you have picked it
up. I don't mean to insult your intelligence either, there
is no reason in the world why you would have picked
it up unless you were already conversant with the
functions of the RAS.

I have emphasized the secret over and over again,
relax and visualize the future as you desire. There's no
way that you haven't picked up the bit about
visualizing, I know you have, ( nobody in the entire
universe could have failed to have picked up that I
think visualizing the future as you desire it is the most

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