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important function for human beings in the entire
gamut of human behavior. I consider that I have one of
the toughest jobs in the world to accomplish. You see,
you have read in ALL the motivational self-help books
that you must visualize and you still don't, I will stop at
nothing, short of actually being rude, to get through to
you, that you do actually have to visualize!!!) the bit
we're talking about now is the word RELAX. This is
going to turn out to be one of your greatest keys and
I'm pretty well convinced that it's something that you
haven't been doing in conjunction with your

I emphasized that all my heroes, Walt Disney,
Howard Hughes, Winston Churchill, Aristotle Onassis,
would take time out every day to RELAX and visualize
the future as they desired it. It's this word relax that I
want to talk to you about in great detail.

The RAS is the mechanism that the stage hypnotist
relaxes when he's doing some hypnosis with someone
up on the stage. You don't usually see what he does, but
the procedure is usually the same. He selects some
people from the audience before the show begins. He
takes these people back stage and establishes a rapport
with them. He then gives them a five or a ten minute
relaxation induction. He tells them they are relaxed and
that they feel comfortable and their legs and arms and
eyes are getting very heavy. He may carry on like that
for quite a while. (I nearly went into an altered state just
proof reading that last sentence!)

The hypnotherapist will use an identical technique.
He will have a client come into his office and he will
establish a rapport with them. He will then proceed to
relax them using the same five or ten or fifteen minute
relaxation method the stage hypnotist uses.

By relaxing someone for a short induction period
you deactivate the RAS. Once the RAS is deactivated

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