Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

as the Aborigines in Australia and the Maoris in New
Zealand. Many artists are predominantly right brained.
Many artists who create beautiful paintings and
sculptures often have great difficulty in selling their
work. I have worked with many artists and many of
them have the same trait in the fact they hate selling
their own work. It's not until they affirm (verbally, left
computer) that they will sell- their work, as well as
actually visualize themselves selling their work, that
things start to happen for them. The only time you, or
they, will ever accomplish your goals is when the words
and the pictures match!

Quantum Eleven, Corpus Callosum: We have
mentioned the corpus callosum a number of times. This
is the substantial band of transmission fibres that joins
the two computers together and allows the words and
the pictures to communicate with one another. It allows
the two computers to get whizzing and whirring
together on your problems. A number of years ago
surgeons used to cut the corpus callosum with a scalpel
to divide the two hemispheres, on certain patients, to
prevent disease or tumors spreading from one
hemisphere to another. The most amazing thing about
the operation was that on the surface the patient
seemed to have changed very little. There was no loss of
speech or learning ability, no loss of co-ordination, or
disruption to the individuals personality. To the outside
observer the patient seemed to function normally.
However, what did change was the patients PROBLEM
SOLVING ABILITY, because the two computers
I couldn't communicate with one another they had no
way of cross-referencing or coming up with creative
ideas using both words and pictures. I must admit I find
it quite fascinating to think, that when I relax, the words
and pictures communicate with each other. (I often
think to myself what a shock it must be to my system

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