Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

the information always linked up with any other
information that you had on the subject.) Next week
you have yet another lesson and now the biocomputer
program is really taking shape. All the individual
neurons link up with one another and form a ganglia.
By the time you have had, say, ten or fifteen lessons,
you have sufficient knowledge in the neurons to allow
you to drive competently. In other words you have a
complete biocomputer program that allows you to
carry out the task of driving proficiently. The more
driving you do, the more practice you get, the better
the biocomputer program and the better your driving
will become. You are now ready to take your test. If
you fail your test, it simply means that you didn't
have a long enough ganglia (biocomputer program) to
enable you to carry out the task proficiently. You can
overcome this simply by adding to your store of
knowledge, by taking more driving lessons and
increasing the amount of information that you have in
your biocomputer.

Another amazing fact about complete bio-
computer programs is once you have impregnated
those electro chemicals with a sufficient program, you
never have to think about that program again. You
run on that track automatically. Even the most
sophisticated programs, once inserted correctly, you
run on them without even thinking about them.

I have driven from one side of London to the
other in peak hour traffic and suddenly arrived at my
destination and found myself wondering how I got
there. For a single moment I had never thought
consciously about anyone of the hundreds of gear
I changes I must have made or how hard to depress the
I gas or brake pedal. I never thought once of the
thousand death defying maneuvers that one makes in
an hours' trip across London in the rush hour. It is

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