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have selected for yourself. Indeed, life may have been
tough on you. You may have wondered if you really
do have a self-destruct program or a subconscious
death wish program or a business destruct mode.
Many of us have powerful self-defeating programs
that have cropped up time and time again in our lives,
many times to rob us of victory and spoils just as they
come into sight.

Lots of businessmen start up businesses and have
them collapse after three years. Others start
relationships to have these break down after five
years. Some men and women are always short of
money, I mean always!

If the foregoing applies to you don't worry, join
the club! You're lucky to be alive. Many people have
such negative programs in their biocomputers that
they really do commit suicide. Subconscious suicide is
far more prevalent than you realize, so is
subconscious sabotage of ones own business dealings
and personal relationships. So much so, I have
dedicated a complete chapter to failure programs. I
consider these to be just as important as success
programs. At least, it is important that you recognize
your failure programs. It helps to recognize them in
order to be able to counteract them' and insert the
appropriate success programs that will overcome the
negativity and allow you to reach your goal.

Later on we will be looking at overcoming even
the most negative programs, and very quickly too! In
the mean time, however, we must delve deeper into
programs that exist in our biocomputers.

Let's take a simple situation that happens all the
time. A young lad is in his father's hobby shop and
he's playing around with some saws, hammers and
nails. The father enthuses the lad along and
encourages him to bang nails in and saw a plank of

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