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(nextflipdebug5) #1

wood. Although the young lad does not have the skill
in his hands, he is encouraged, and the next time in
the hobby shop he does a little more. Over a period of
years, with his father's constant encouragement, he
turns into a self-reliant young man who goes out into
the big wide world full of confidence and courage and
brimming over with self-esteem. The program
inserted into this lad's biocomputer was one of self-
reliance, confidence, a go-for-it attitude, encouraged
by his father. Input equals output.

Let's take a similar scenario, again in the father's
hobby shop, a young boy is playing around with
some tools and some nails. This time the father clips
the youngster around the ear and screams at the top
of his angry voice "Stop messing around and getting
under my feet, you'll never be any good at anything."
You can easily see the negative program being
inserted into this child's biocomputer. This young lad
will go through life with an inferiority complex. Once
again the input will express itself in output.

Here I want you to take a few notes. The first one
we have already mentioned, but no harm will come
by hammering the point home, in actual fact that is
the exact way in which the biocomputer takes on
board a program. So the first point: Input equals
output. The second point, is that we should all reflect
on our upbringings, our environments, our teachings
and our backgrounds to see what negative programs
have been inserted into our biocomputers during our
formative years. The third point, and I'll go into much
greater detail at a later stage, is the case where the
youngster was chastised. Don't be misled into
thinking that if his father only did this once, the child
would not get a permanent program in his
biocomputer. I deliberately pointed out that the father
screamed at the child. If the father was emotional and

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