Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1


You probably realize that I have taken great pains to
explain things in great detail to give you a good
background into biocomputers and their programs. The
reason why I have done so is simple. What I am about
to reveal to you is what I would call the' secret of
success'. However it would have been no good to you
knowing the' secret of success' if you didn't know how
the biocomputer works.

The greatest' secret of success' is this: The human
I biocomputer cannot tell the difference between a real
experience and a vividly imagined experience!!!

The implications of that statement are vast. The
implications are awesome! This one secret, if you use it,
will take you to your goals in the shortest space of time.
This was the turning point of my life. Let it be the
turning point of yours!

What in effect it means, in simple terms, is that we
can insert any programs we like into our biocomputers,
simply by vividly imagining whatever it is that we want
to achieve, or what we want to become. Not only can
we reprogram our biocomputers like this, but it is
absolutely essential that we do.

It is relatively easy to see that a downhill skier or
racing car driver has to have the program in his
biocomputer before the event takes place. The downhill

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