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(nextflipdebug5) #1

Another tip to help you get visualizing properly is
to cast your eyes upwards when you are trying to
visualize. The eye movements are connected to the
neural patterns in the biocomputer. When you look
upwards you will be in the visualizing mode. To
check this out for yourself ask some friends "What is
the top color of traffic lights?" or "Describe to me
what your bedroom looks like?" Their eyes will
immediately go upwards as they start to search for the
information that is of a visual nature.

Have you ever noticed down-and-outs in the
street, or people who have failed, they always shuffle
around with their heads down, looking towards the
ground. They are talking internally, negatively, about
the past. On the other hand if you take notice of
successful individuals you will soon see that they look
straight ahead or upwards, they are in the visual
mode and they are thinking positively in pictures
about a successful and happy future.

It concerns me a little, that the businessmen who
buy self-help books are the same people that buy all
the self-help books. Don't get me wrong, there's
nothing at all wrong with self-improvement, but there
is a folly to that way. Reading is a left computer
activity, (If reading maketh a full man, you're over-
flowing!) and many entrepreneurs get stuck into
reading and reaping and reading, trying desperately
hard to find the secret that they are looking for, they
are seeking motivation, a way of getting their
biocomputers to fire on all eight cylinders (I like the
expression 'Getting your biocomputer firing on all
cylinders.' In actual fact the neurons do fire. The range
of frequency of the neuron cells firing is divided into
four brain rhythms, delta, theta, alpha and beta.) and
they are looking for the one tip that will take them to
the top. This is the folly, this is the error. You can read

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