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(nextflipdebug5) #1

'see' themselves having to sell off all their assets. In
actual fact they put such a clear and powerful program
into their biocomputers it becomes a track to run on, a
self-fulfilling prophecy. In actual fact the only antidote
to failure is to visualize very clearly and concisely
exactly what you want to happen in the future. You
have to 'see' orders coming in. You actually have to
'see' cash in your hip pocket and in your bank account.
You have to 'see' products walking out of the store. You.
have to 'see' your cash flow improving. You have to
put the program into your biocomputer, success too,
can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Please learn it, sooner
rather than later. Input equals output!

How many books are available on diet and losing
weight? Thousands! How many people would just
love to lose weight, they've bought all the books,
they've tried every diet. But what happens? Nothing,
or worse still, you lose weight only to rapidly gain
more than you lost! You have to understand a little
about the biocomputer to lose weight. It's simple.

As a busy entrepreneur I don't get a lot of time to
watch a lot of videos, but when I do, I enjoy it. I like
Clint Eastwood. I've got all the videos. I like escapism.
Let me give you a scenario of me trying to lose weight!
I have a goal 'I have lost twenty pounds', I start
watching Clint Eastwood. Every time I see him, his
gun gets bigger and bigger. He's saying the same old
stuff, “Make my day, punk.” Don't you love it? In my
imagination I begin to wonder if my housekeeper has
got in my favorite cheeses. Clint Eastwood chases the
guy down the road, I'd swear his gun gets bigger
during the course of the actual movie. My
imagination is I 'seeing' pictures of my favorite
crackers. Clint Eastwood is kicking the door open.
He's got this enormous cannon in his hand. I'm
wondering to myself, "I wonder if there are any

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