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(nextflipdebug5) #1

left computer) they'll quit smoking. They go into a it,
room full of people and they'll keep telling
themselves verbally that they don't smoke, they're
non-smokers and they've quit. However at the same
time they're doing this they are imagining what a
cigarette tastes like. They can' see' themselves
smoking. They may not have brought any cigarettes
with them but they can' see' themselves going up to
someone and saying "I don't suppose I could bum a
cigarette off you, I've quit really but these meetings
give me bad nerves?" The next moment has them
puffing away merrily. The pictures win every time. If
you really want to quit smoking you have to get your
right computer under control. If you don't control it,
it'll control you, like it's been doing for years!

Many people from all walks of life, come to a
plateau in their lives. They have simply come to the
end of the programs in their biocomputers. They have
accomplished all the things that they have' seen'
themselves doing. If this applies to you, and you want
to move onward and upward, all you have to do is
start relaxing and visualizing the future as you desire
it. Start impregnating the electrochemicals with
visions of what you want for the future. Create a
program for your biocomputer to run on. You will be
taken there, automatically and furthermore you'll
travel first class, if that's what you visualize!

There are two main programs that affect the way we
either survive or surthrive. (Surthrivers not only survive
tough economic climates but they thrive in them!) The
two programs are 'guns' and 'butter'. 'Guns', because
they are solid and are around for a long time and 'butter'
because it melts and dissipates into nothingness.

The survivors by virtue of their biocomputer
programs waste all their money on 'butter' items. They
splurge their money on things that dissipate. Things

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