Microsoft Word - 443B7C5C-6AE6-2878EC.doc

(nextflipdebug5) #1

all the following instances you will be visualizing as
well!) Your biocomputer will find a way for you to
'open a corner grocery store.' The moment it's
accomplished that for you, it will stand idly by, staring
right through you, with a stupid grin on its face
saying, "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" and it will do
nothing further for you until you give it specific
instructions in the form of a program. In the mean time
you'll be getting frustrated because the shop's losing
you money, draining all your time and resources and
you will slowly but surely begin to slide down one of
the many snakes. (In many cases it won't be slowly,
but it'll always be surely!)

Your program 'Open a corner grocery store' has a
meaning that is precisely defined. It said absolutely
nothing about making the business continue to trade,
making it profitable, making it a viable business that
you could sell, that it would give you a good salary or
that it would allow you to work flexible hours. That's
why so many corner store owners find themselves
losing money, working all the hours God sent and
paying employees wages before they pay themselves.

The biocomputer knows nothing about whether
you have made a wise decision or made the right
choice, nor can it tell whether you should be doing
more or should be doing less or for that matter nothing
at all. It cannot tell whether your overheads are too
high or whether you should be marketing in a
different way. What it will do for you is carry out
instructions to the. letter very quickly and efficiently.
However, once it reaches your goal for you, it will
the next program. Most of us watch idly by as our
businesses disappear down the gurgler, not having the
savvy to summon up the power that got us the
business in the first place.

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