The Anabolic Diet

(Joyce) #1

I also fully realize that steroids and other artificial means for growth and performance are still
used widely in the athletic community. They give the athlete the edge he’s looking for and, for
many, they’ll gladly risk their health and the sanctions that can come from steroid use for the
performance benefits they can bring.

It should be pointed out that the Anabolic Diet can even be used in concert with steroids.
You will get results. Indeed, you can do most anything with steroids and achieve some gains.
But, though the Anabolic Diet will help you to some degree, your use of steroids will keep you
from maximizing the endogenous anabolic hormones the diet seeks to stimulate.

Bottom line, the Anabolic Diet is meant for the natural athlete who wants to be the best he
can be naturally. And, while it’s much easier and convenient to stay on than the high carb diet,
it will still require some dedication and the will to properly execute it. The key to success in the
diet is to make sure you take your body through a “metabolic shift” where you’ll begin to use
dietary fat and bodyfat instead of carbs and muscle protein as the main fuel for your body. To
do this, you’ll have to follow the diet very closely, especially at the beginning.

The battle the drug-free athlete engages in is not an easy one. He must face up to drug-using
and abusing competition and drug-based competitive standards in every contest. What the
Anabolic Diet does is to give him the same kind of benefits the drug user obtains.

By introducing anabolic drugs or agents into his body, the drug user increases the circulating
amount of anabolic hormones and compounds, which in turn produces the desired anabolic
effect of muscle growth. The Anabolic Diet does the same thing. Only instead of introducing
the anabolic substances from an exogenous source outside the body, the diet stimulates the
production of anabolic hormones IN THE BODY. It’s LEGAL and it’s SAFE.

And, best of all, it’s a SURE THING. If you follow the diet, IT WON’T FAIL. It may sound
bizarre. It may counter everything you’ve ever been led to believe about diets, fat and
carbohydrates. BUT IT WORKS. It is a biochemical inevitability. YOU WILL get the
combination of increased lean body mass with less bodyfat you’re looking for if you follow the
diet properly.

And you’ll get it naturally. Without the dangers of steroids.
Given the trials and tribulations most bodybuilders have experienced with their “diets,” what
more can you ask for from a nutrition program?


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