The Anabolic Diet

(Joyce) #1


The Establishment Won’t Like The Anabolic Diet



For more than 20 years the American public has been told to watch its fat intake or suffer the
consequences. The national “fat hysteria” got so bad that back in 1989 the National Academy
of Sciences advised everybody, regardless of the presence or absence of risk for coronary heart
disease, to go on a restricted diet low in fat. The Lords of Lowfat loved this, and the food industry
proceeded to take advantage of the situation, as they always do, and come out with a whole new
line of “lowfat” or “fat free” products, many of which were neither.

Why groups such as premenopausal women and children, who are largely immune to coronary
heart disease, should go on such a restricted diet was not explained. Meanwhile, other complex,
interlinking causes of coronary heart disease like lack of exercise, obesity, stress, genetics and
caloric intake went largely ignored. Fat was the culprit. Any possibility that dietary fat could be
utilized in the cause of good health and physical performance was conveniently dismissed.

As a result, people began eating those carbs. They began watching what they ate. Above all,
they became aware of the fat they were eating and did their best to avoid it like a plague. And,
guess what? As a society we got fatter than ever. We’re getting fatter all the time. The heart
attack parade hasn’t stopped. What’s wrong with this picture?

Meanwhile, bodybuilders didn’t seem to be getting the kind of growth they were looking for
from all those carbs. Sure, they got big. But they also got fat. By contest time, they were most
often right about where they’d been before they started the whole diet cycle. The siren song of
steroids became ever more inviting.

But now, you’ve got an alternative. A healthy and effective one. It’s called the Anabolic Diet
and it’s been striking telling blows against the Lords of Lowfat and getting bodybuilders the
growth they want without all that added bodyfat. In this chapter we’ll outline the many benefits
to be gained from the Anabolic Diet and begin to look at the reasons why it works. By its end,
I don’t think you’ll be too tempted to return to the old grind of that high carb diet.

Increasing Lean Body Mass WITHOUT Anabolic Steroids: This is one of the real big advantages
of the Anabolic Diet. As described in the previous chapter, the diet does many of the same things
hormonally that steroids do, only naturally inside the body and without the risks.

Decreasing Bodyfat Without Sacrificing Lean Mass: Unlike the high carb diet, when you
gain weight on the Anabolic Diet much less of it is bodyfat and much more of it is muscle.
We’ve found that, far from what you’ve been led to believe, eating fat doesn’t lead to getting


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