The Anabolic Diet

(Joyce) #1

what they do and you end up alienating them or feeling like an outcast. On the weekends on
this diet, when most social activities take place, you’re eating anything anybody else can eat. If
you want to have pizza and beer, that’s OK.

The Anabolic Diet is also very convenient, even if it’s a weekday and you’re on the road. Any
restaurant you go to serves some kind of meat. Just order a steak and push away the fries. You
can even go to McDonald’s if you want. Just order that double quarter pounder plain, throw
the bun away, put on some mustard and dig in.

No Hunger: Most people on a diet find themselves constantly thinking about food. When’s
my next meal? What can I eat? What can’t I eat? They’re famished. That doesn’t happen on
this diet.

With the Anabolic Diet, your body requires more calories to maintain itself. Even when losing
weight, you’re probably not going to be starving yourself as you would be on the high carb diet.
You won’t have those cravings where you want to eat 10 chocolate bars. Even if you’re in an
intense pre-contest cycle and really trying to cut bodyfat, you may get some hunger, but nothing
like you’ll get on the high carb diet.

Fat is more satiating. It will delay the onset of hunger. You feel fuller after you eat. This is
probably because it doesn’t increase insulin to a great degree. When you’re on the insulin roller
coaster with the high carb diet and your body notices blood sugar falling, it puts in an emergency
call to EAT! That won’t happen on the Anabolic Diet. You’ll find yourself losing bodyfat and
perhaps, for the first time in your life as a bodybuilder, you won’t be famished.

It’s Simple To Apply: On weekends, of course, you won’t have to worry about the food you
eat. Anything’s fair game. During the week, things get a little tougher, but not much. All you
have to remember is to keep your carbohydrates low. Anything else—bacon, ham, eggs, steak,
cheese—go for it. There are no long charts. No recipe books. If you just keep your dietary focus
on meat and eggs, you can’t go wrong.

Again, meat is an amazing food. It’s one of the best, most nutritious foods we have available. It
has beneficial compounds no other food possesses. For day to day functioning, it can’t be beat.

Weekend Relief: You aren’t on a crusade here. The weekends allow you to eat the foods you
may have been craving although, after being on the diet for awhile, you’ll find yourself losing
much of that craving for carbohydrates. In fact, when the weekend comes and Saturday morning
hits, you may find yourself not really interested in carbs.

Still, once you get that first carb in you and the insulin rush begins, you may find yourself in
love with them again. The love affair will pass, though. By Sunday, you’re generally tired of all
those carbs and more than ready to get back on the high fat, low carb part of the diet and leave
the doldrums behind.

Builds Confidence: After being on the diet for awhile, you’ll see all that muscle buildup and
lost bodyfat and realize that, hey, this really isn’t that difficult. Results breed confidence and
confidence breeds results. Pretty soon you’re on a steamroller headed straight for the body you’ve
been dreaming of.

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