The Anabolic Diet

(Joyce) #1


You can’t do that on this diet. You’ve got to be consistent. If you want, you can multiply that
6,250 calories times 7 and make your goal 43,750 for the week. That way you can vary some
from day to day. For example, eat 7,500 calories one day and 5,000 the next, but by the end of
the week you’ve got to be at the 43,750 calorie level. Keep a diary or some other record of calories
eaten, and make sure that you’re doing it.


  • Increase bodyweight to 15 percent above your “ideal” contest weight

  • Eat 20 to 25 calories per pound of “ideal” weight daily

  • If you have trouble eating enough, make calories a weekly, rather than daily, goal

  • Bodyfat shouldn’t rise above the 10 percent level

  • End the “Mass Phase” when you reach your “ideal” weight or rise to the 10 percent
    bodyfat level, whichever comes first

  • Whether you’ve reached your “ideal” weight or not, the “Mass Phase” must cease 12
    weeks before a contest

  • A gain of 2 pounds per week is best

Of course, bodyfat is also of critical importance here. Some athletes will gain more bodyfat
than others at similar calorie levels. We’ve found that most bodybuilders can maintain a 10
percent bodyfat level relatively easily if properly utilizing the Anabolic Diet. This is also a good
level to stay at to keep fat in check in any preparation for competitive bodybuilding. That’s
why we advise those on the Anabolic Diet to keep close track of their bodyfat level, and don’t let it go
above this 10 percent level.

With this in mind, the goal in the “Mass Phase” is to continue eating and gaining weight
until you either reach a level 15 percent above your “ideal weight” or hit 10 percent bodyfat,
whichever comes first. Chances are, no matter what comes first, you’ll get the mass you want
on this anabolically supercharged diet. It’s not like the old days with the high carb diet where
you’ve got to gain so much weight and fat to get mass.

You have to use your head here, though. If you find yourself still gaining weight but haven’t
reached your “ideal,” and your contest is 12–16 weeks away, it’s time to stop the “Mass Phase.”
It’s time to begin cutting to properly prepare yourself for the contest, regardless of weight. In
this way, time before a contest joins bodyfat and weight as a determinant in how long you’ll
stay in this phase.

On the other hand, I know many bodybuilders who have come to believe they should gain
mass quickly, but I don’t agree with this. 2 pounds a week is good enough. If you can gain 2,
you won’t gain a lot of fat during the week on the Anabolic Diet. It’ll be mostly muscle. Though

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