The Anabolic Diet

(Joyce) #1

Antioxidants have also been linked with improved function in transplanted organs22,23,24 and been
shown to be helpful in the prevention of cataracts.25,26,27,28 Low levels of antioxidants in the body
have been identified as a possible risk factor in rheumatoid arthritis^29 and myocardial infarction.^30

There is also a growing amount of data of critical importance to the bodybuilder suggesting
that exercise can adversely affect muscle tissue by increasing the formation of free radicals. In
one study, muscular contraction was found to produce reactive oxygen that contributed to muscle
fatigue.^31 It’s also been found that exercise can decrease the supply of antioxidants. The important
antioxidant Vitamin E can be severely decreased with training, thus depleting the muscle of its
major antioxidant.^32

Most researchers feel the issue here is stress. It’s now felt that stress, either emotional and
mental or physical, increases the amount of free radicals produced in the body. While the body
generally has the antioxidant capacities to handle free radicals, stress overwhelms the body’s
ability to neutralize them and they increase, largely unchecked. This, in turn, causes advanced
aging and breakdown of the body.

Many bodybuilders have chosen to ignore the possible benefits of antioxidants, but this is
not a wise thing to do. The anaerobic exercise performed by the bodybuilder in training puts a
great deal of physical stress on the body, and this leads to the increased formation of free radicals.
To fight the catabolic influences of these free radicals, YOU MUST MAKE A PLACE FOR

Antioxidants aren’t good only for the granola crunchers. When you add the increased mental
and emotional stress caused by modern living with the intense physical stress placed on the body
by the bodybuilder, antioxidant use becomes a necessity to control the damage that can be done
by free radicals.

It would seem logical from the extensive research done on the topic to this point to conclude
that antioxidants lessen tissue damage, speed recovery, and increase performance over the long
term. They would also seem to provide long-term general health advantages. I target them in
my supplement plan for that dual purpose—TO GET THE BODYBUILDER MAXIMUM

With the above in mind, it’s clear that, when used correctly, antioxidants can give the
bodybuilder an added edge. As such, you may want to go beyond the minimum amounts
provided by the multivitamins to maximize the advantages antioxidants can bring. If so, I’d
suggest something along the line of the antioxidant program below:

800 international units of Vitamin E
1 gram of Vitamin C
50 milligrams zinc
25,000 units beta-carotene
100 micrograms selenium

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